Film scoring & other music

Music to movies that don’t exist

A small EP I created, containing 6 instrumental tracks encapsulating the feelings of different genres of film through music. Available wherever you listen to music!

Spotify | Apple Music


Covenants of the Land: Middletown’s divide

In this important documentary, issues revolving around redlining & overarching racial disparities within housing covenants are brought to light.

The full soundtrack can be found on Spotify, Apple Music, or wherever else you stream music!

Spotify | Apple Music


Wonder woman cosplay

The assignment: Wonder Woman fan music.

Every Halloween, Rachel VanMatre (Director) goes all out and makes a short, cinematic video of some sort showcasing her incredible cosplay of a character from pop culture. This time, it was Wonder Woman, and I had a blast creating my own music pulling from the iconic Wonder Woman theme.


Production Portfolio